Miranda Lambert
Celebrating 50 Years of Concerts at the WVU Coliseum
March 27, 2011
Miranda Lambert
The Revolution Continues Tour
with Special Guest Justin Moore and featuring Josh Kelley
SHOW DATE: Sunday, March 27, 2011 • 7:00pm | ||
When Miranda Lambert took the Coliseum stage in 2011, the 7,200 fans in attendance
knew they were in for a night to remember.
"I have the regular 25-year-old small-town girl [side] that likes to make cupcakes and live on a farm - and then I have this rowdy, crazy, head-banging rock-star-girl side that is my life on the road," Lambert told the "Exponent-Telegram's" Julie Perine by phone prior to the concert. Lambert was the reigning Academy of Country Music Female Vocalist of the Year and had earned an impressive six Grammy nominations. Standing behind her glittering pink microphone perched atop a mic stand made from rifle, Lambert delivered what Mackenzie Mays of the Daily Athenaeum called a "spunky and energetic show." "Lambert's live performance satisfied female and male fans alike, proving Lambert to be a pretty tough girl herself," wrote Mays. Read the full review here. |
Justin Moore |